It is good idea to Studying with music


Have you ever heard that there are classmates who can study with music, and have you wondered, is that really possible? The truth of all this is that a study carried out at Stanford University has managed to show that studying with music is not a bad idea, however, when it comes to music with lyrics, it happens that they act as a distractor and a barrier to long-term memory. term, this leads to generating mental blocks or confusion, so the ideal is to study with music without lyrics, something like opera music or song tracks.

On the other hand, a study published on the effects of background music on the performance of children aged 10 to 12 ensures that music that we perceive as calm and relaxing has positive consequences on  performance, but the truth of all this is that music in the studio depends a lot on what we call auditory or aural learning, which is nothing more than that type of learning that we achieve through sound.

Starting from all this, we proceed to those who study with music to provide a series of practical tips to make this a more effective task.

1-Use different types of rhythms and music.

Just as each subject is different and entails a different level of concentration and learning techniques, the genres or rhythms that we are going to use to address the subjects must also change according to each one of them. In the event that the content to study is mathematical or requires logic, you can try music that has soft and relaxing melodies so that it allows you to maintain the required level of concentration, in the case of respective or theoretical content, use shorter and more fun music.

 2-Volume is a key factor

Perhaps it sounds like a very good idea to listen to your favorite bands while you study, or songs that you know by heart, that is the worst mistake you can make, to study the ideal is to use relaxing or background music tracks as well as classical music, but something very important of this is that in addition the volume should not be very high but not at an almost imperceptible level, the ideal is that when listening to your study melodies they are heard at a normal level without leading you to distraction.

3-The playlist

If in your ideal is to have a maximum concentration and development of long-term memory, then you must create playlists for each subject, these in turn should not spend more than two hours, the ideal is that they range between 1 hour or 2 hours, after the playlist ends, we must take a break of about 30 or 15 minutes, because for the study to be effective and long-term memory to be activated, these rest times are required.


You must be thinking that Mozart has to do with what we are talking about, because it turns out that studies have shown that Mozart’s music is not only comforting for our brain, but at the same time activates long-term memory and concentration, this It’s called the Mozart Effect.

Well, neuroscientists at Stanford University in California have recently revealed a molecular basis for the Mozart effect , finding  that rats, like humans, perform better on tests of learning and memory after hearing a particular Mozart sonata.

5-Sounds of nature.

Other sounds that have proven to be effective are the effects of nature such as rain, breeze, the sea, these may not be music, but they allow the brain to reduce tension and increase concentration, thus leading to a better development of our long-term memory.

6-Do not use the radio.

It is not recommended to use music from the radio, because they are songs that usually have lyrics, you usually know and added the interruption of the announcers will act as barriers to learning because you will end up paying more attention to the radio than to your study.

7-Don’t just use music to study.

If your learning is aural or auditory, and sitting down to do tasks such as essays, monographs or projects becomes a boring action, it is prudent to use background music, this will make doing your homework a more entertaining and fun action.